Sunday, 15 April 2018

The Importance of Travel

"Travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer."

Travel is something that we all need, not just to escape from "reality", rather to open our minds to the other cultures out there.

When I was in secondary school I knew I wanted to travel somewhere but I never knew that other countries could be so different. I was very ignorant. I believed that everyone had the same belief systems as Ireland, as well as having the same thought processes. When I look back to how ignorant and naive I was, I actually cringe. Everywhere is different and having the possibility to explore other cultures is one of the biggest gifts we could get.

Cultural Differences

Travelling really helps with cultural differences. For example if you decide to live abroad with natives from a particular country you will have to try understand how they live, and their norms. However, cultural differences can cause a lot of problems if both parties aren't open minded. It's not enough for one person to have to try and accept ones culture, the other party must also accept the other's belief systems. Believe me, it can cause some tiffs so travelling and understanding that other cultures can be different is so important. Believe me it's happened to me loads when Italians didn't know where I was coming from resulting in me having to be the only understanding side. It's just not fair on the person who is receiving the backlash of it.  So rule number one, always try to see the point of the tourist/foreigner, they also have different belief systems to you.


Travelling opens up new doors for you and introduces the most amazing people into your lives. I for one have met the most amazing people over the last 3-4 years due to travelling. Some I would consider best friends. Having long distant friendships can be hard just like an LDR, but extremely doable. Getting to see them can be difficult at times but imagine anytime you see them it's a holiday all over again and you'll always have a place to stay depending where they're from. 


Travelling really helps with independence, going abroad without your family leaving you to fend for yourself in a country where you don't speak their language can be quite daunting. But once you get passed the language barrier and learn some phrases yourself, or understand the public transport, and the ins and outs of the city you'll be flying it. I've been stuck in situations that I never imagined would happen, for example, two years ago in Puglia, I was driving with my boyfriend in the middle of nowhere at about 2 in the morning with no internet, and 2 % battery. The petrol goes and we are stuck on the side of the road, in the middle of the night, with nobody around to help. I'm still alive and we managed to get out of that situation. Looking back it's something to remember!! Throwing yourself into the deep can face you with very difficult situations but only when you're in those situations, you really see how capable you are at doing things yourself.

Outfit: Shirt H&M | Trousers Mango | Shoes JD Sports

Stepping out of your comfort zone

Travelling makes you do things you wouldn't have normally done if you were back home. You find yourself saying yes to day trips/ activities/ nights out more often. It's important to say yes more when you're abroad as it'll open up so many opportunities for you and you'll meet so many people who are in the same boat as you. You never know, one yes could lead you onto meeting someone new who happens to be going on a boat trip the following day. Anything can happen so get out there and do the things you would never do in your country.

You see life differently

Travelling abroad can really make you see how others' live, especially in the developing world. It really makes you think how lucky you are to have the money to see these incredible places and to know you have a roof over your head when you head back home. It really puts life into perspective so when abroad be kind to the natives, interact with them and teach them your culture too. But always try to learn about theirs especially by showing interest.

You'll make the most incredible memories.

"Take care of all your memories, for you cannot relive them" - Bob Dylan.
Travelling opens you up to the most amazing experiences, you may even discover places you never knew existed, creating unforgettable memories. Life is an adventure and exploring every crevice of this Earth can give you the most breathtaking stories. We are not born to stay in one place. 

I have booked three trips this month as my travel bug is at an all time high, and planning my summer is on the books. Learning new cultures is something I'm passionate about and you should be too.
You just never know who you could meet or what you could do. Life is meant to be lived.


1 comment

  1. I have checked that world is full with the Best traveling place where many different traveling options are available for the people.I have tried to get some traveling tips that provide the traveling enjoyment.There is a lot of importance of traveling to different places of the world.


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