Sunday, 18 March 2018

The Best Gift Idea For Anyone

It's not normal for me to dedicate a whole post to a particular brand, however I knew I had to when I got these products in the post and saw the incredible quality of them.

Before we start, I want to state that this is not an ad, Tunetoo kindly gifted me these three products, and I was allowed to personalise them however I wanted. I did not know how good the quality was before receiving them, and after checking them out I knew this needed a post to itself.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Siracusa Travel Vlog

One of Sicily's hidden gems, Siracusa is the ideal chill city to visit if you come to Sicily. Check out my vlog from my recent trip there.


6 Tips On Beating "Bad Days".

Everyone has bad days, they're part of being human. I for one get plenty of bad days, you wake up in the morning from the sound of your dreaded alarm clock and you drag yourself out of bed. You feel like there's a black cloud hovering over you, and the last thing you want to do is speak to someone. Or maybe you're late to work/school/college, you miss your bus, you fight with your siblings/parents/partner, you spill your coffee on your new shirt, etc. It is the start to a typical "bad" day.

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

10 Lessons I've Learned In Catania, Sicily

Later this month will mark my 6 months here in Catania, Sicily. Time has flown! So I'm sharing the lessons I have learned here. Italy is massive, the north is completely different from the south, as well as culture so here are the lessons I've learned here in Catania!
Note: These are things a native Irish person has noticed, it may not be the same for other cultures.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

5 Steps To Achieving Your Goals

Without setting yourself goals, how can you grow? I always have to be thinking ahead, trying to figure out what my next move is and how I'll achieve it. I'm quite organised in this sense, if I don't have everything written down I feel like I've no control of my life, so everything is written, events, appointments, my goals and how I'll achieve them. So without rambling on, here are my five steps to achieving your goals!
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