Wednesday 27 January 2016

OOTD: Zara

Hello lovelies!

Hope you are getting through the week.
I have been quite busy, from study to being in the gym and then meeting people in between.
I went for afternoon tea in the G Hotel with my cousin Aoife on Monday because everyone needs a pick me up on a dreary Monday! I put up some pictures on my Instagram (ciaraswalsh)

I snapped a recent look which at the time I never realised I was wearing all Zara until after the shoot (except my necklace), whoops ahaha.

Details below:

 Jumper: Zara
Jeans: Zara
Boots: Zara
Necklace: Coco&Sparkles

Please excuse my hair in the last picture.. you know Ireland and it's bipolar winds! :D

Last night I headed to the cinema with some fiends and after for some cocktails. The goodbyes have started again! Leaving for Italy for another 6 months. Let adventure number two commence! 

Chat soon,

Love Ciara x

Photo cred: @raichywalsh (Instagram)

Sunday 17 January 2016

OOTD: Suede

 Hello my lovelies! :*

This weeks look consists of my new obsession, my new suede skirt I picked up in Mango in the sales. I am absolutely in love with it and the amazing quality it holds. You may have seen this skirt on my Instagram from New Years Eve. Well yes it's the same one, I have gotten so much wear out of this skirt its shocking and surprisingly it goes with a lot of my clothes! I decided to pair it with a turtleneck jumper for a cute yet chic look.

Details below:

Jumper: United Colors of Benetton (Dublin)
Skirt: Mango (Dublin)
 Heeled boots: Penneys/Primark
Bag: Leather Shop in Venice.

I hope your weekend has gone well, currently facing some Sunday blues as it's almost Monday! How will we survive! From this week I will be in full study mode (as I've exams when I get back to Italy). Let's brave this week together! <3

I have actually started using my Snapchat a lot more recently for my blog so I would love it if you came and said hi, my username is @ciaraswalsh my snaps are opened too so if you are in need of any advice feel free to ask! :*

Chat soon lovelies,

Love Ciara x

Photos by: @michelleswalsh (instagram)

Sunday 10 January 2016

New Years and Resolutions.

Hello my lovelies! 

So I hope 2016 is treating you all well and you're trying to stick to your New Years resolutions! 
Even if you haven't thought about a resolution it's not too late! I only began one of my resolutions yesterday!! Ahaha

Make sure your resolution(s) are realistic, try to set small goals you want to accomplish. Just think to yourself, imagine it's New Year's Day 2017 what would you want to have achieved in the past year? 

This year I have 3 resolutions:

1. My body.
I have been really neglecting my body and my health recently and I have gained 1 stone in weight in the past few months. I am the heaviest I have ever been and I am extremely unhappy with what I see in the mirror. So instead of moping around the house getting Ben and Jerry to soothe me I got my ass in the gym and I have started watching the foods I eat. I started this yesterday and I'm determined to keep it up. Who knows I might turn into a fit freak and join the #fitfam :* 

2. Travel!!
As you guys know I am obsessed with travel! I can't go a month with being in one place I have to explore and see new things! So 2016 will be a year of travel! Myself and Davide have even booked our new adventure. After our exams we are jetting off to beautiful Budapest for 4 nights in February! This is in fact our Christmas Present to each other. Why spend money on a materialistic object when you can book flights and accommodation for the same price? I prefer memories and experiences over anything else. <3 I am extremely excited to see this wonderful city! Continuous thoughts will be put into where our suitcases will take us in 2016.

3. Confidence.
This year I have promised myself to be more confident in all that I do and to be proud of all that I do. Since starting CiaraSwalsh of course I have met some people who don't agree with what I do or just don't support me. Of course every blogger will get that and that's completely fine. I don't mind about other peoples' opinions. This year I won't let others opinions limit what I do with CiaraSwalsh or what I say about my blog! :) It's something I love to do and I am proud of where I have gotten in a short amount of time. :)

My New Years was a very relaxing evening surrounded by some friends in Rome drinking some wine and then watching the incredible fireworks. After four of us walked around the centre of Rome taking in its beauty. Of course I had my love by my side for the New Years kiss. 

Outfit details on what I wore are below:

Top: penneys/primark 
Skirt: Mango
Boots: Korkys
Necklace: coco&sparkles 
Bracelet: Bydziubeka 
Watch: Daniel Wellington 

I decided to return to Ireland for a small while after my lovely time in Rome as I don't begin classes in Bologna until the start of February. I would prefer to stay longer with my friends and family while I have the chance! :)

Anyways, I'll chat to you guys very soon!

Love always,

Ciara x


Friday 1 January 2016


Hi girls!

Today I want to talk to you all about an Irish company that helps us girls out on a monthly basis. MyLadyBug is Ireland's first monthly period prescription service.

When I first heard about MyLadyBug I thought it was an unbelievable service. You can design your own package ie. just pads, just tampons, or both! But that's not all, as it's a period service, MyLadyBug want to ensure the most comfortable period for their subscribers, so they add in more goodies for you! In my prescription I got 3 tablets of Krill oil, which reduces anxiety by 70% and also reduces PMS symptoms, 2 bars of chocolate (because its a must when you're in bed dying) a Cadbury's hot chocolate sachet and 4 herbal tea's (which also lowers PMS symptoms). 

For some reason when you're a teenager it can be very daunting to get your period for your first time. I was so embarrassed and I could hardly tell my own mother! I remember being afraid to buy pads. I was just so embarrassed about it. Now I'm far from being embarrassed because it's just a natural process in the human body. I always got terrible periods, one time they were so bad I got a fever and I was bedridden for days! They have calmed down a lot now but I suffered a lot.

If I had MyLadyBug when I was a teenager I would have gotten through the monthly torture a little bit easier. But I want to tell the younger generation who have recently gotten their periods or who have had it for a few years now, it's not a bad thing and there is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about, and I really suggest in getting a MyLadyBug perscription and It's very affordable!

So to help out my fellow girls I am giving you a 15% discount of a MyLadyBug perscription all you have to do is go to the MyLadyBug website by clicking here and enter CIARABLOG at the check out.

Enjoy your monthly period care package, I know I will!

Love Ciara x
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