Wednesday, 28 December 2016

My 2017 Goals

2016 is coming to an end and 2017 is just around the corner. How crazy is that? I can remember like it was yesterday ringing in the new year in Rome. Well in just a few short days I'll be doing the same! 2016 had a lot of ups and downs for everyone. I know it was probably a terrible year for some with losing so many legends to illness as well as family members, with many natural disasters and of course terror in some countries. For me 2016 was an amazing year. I met so many incredible people in a country I can now call home, CiaraSwalsh has grown a lot through attending incredible events and having great collaborations with brands I love. I have met so many amazing people in the Blogging industry making me reflect on what my life would be without it. I know I wouldn't be as happy as I am now if I weren't in this industry.

I know 2017 will be bigger and better, I like to think that every year you can always be a better version of yourself. 2017 will be a huge life changer for me as I will finish college in May! That's 4 years of college finished, I can't believe it. People always ask what's in store for me after I graduate and honestly I still don't know. Choosing a life path is hard, I have a lot of ideas swirling around my head and choosing the right one is quite difficult! I know for certain I won't be in Galway (well, hopefully).


Travelling is definitely on the cards, I plan to see some more European countries, people wonder how it's possible to travel if I am a full time student in final year. Well it's easy if you manage your time well and plan in advance. Know when your deadlines are, know when there are cheap flights and you can work around it. I did it all through this past year and I haven't failed an exam yet! My dream destinations for 2017 are:
  • Prague, Czech Republic
  • Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Lisbon, Portugal
  • St. Petersburg, Russia
  • Santorini, Greece
  • Vienna, Austria
  • Riga, Latvia
  • Krakow, Poland
  • Split, Croatia
  • Sicily, Italy
  • London, England


CiaraSwalsh will continue to grow in 2017, I already have some great collaborations lined up and I'm excited about them. I always try to perfect everything I put into CiaraSwalsh, some days it can take hours to make myself happy with something I would be working on. There has been countless times where I have to re-shoot entire looks because I'm not happy with how the lighting is, the background or how focused the pictures are. I want it to always be perfect for my readers. This year my goals are:
  • Introduce a new section to the blog for Scoliosis warriors
  • Run more competitions


I want to do so many things. If you have noticed I'm not a party girl, it's just not for me and that's not how I like to socialise. I enjoy the little things and my absolute favourite thing is to socialise over a drink and food. This year I plan to:
  • Try a new restaurant/cafe every month
  • Go to the opera in Rome
  • Go horseback riding in Bologna
  • Start my rehabilitation after my operation
  • Start a Yoga/Pilates class
  • Start my 12 driving lessons (I know I still can't drive 😂)

Make your 2017 memorabile, set realistic goals and remember time is precious.

Happy New Year! 💜



  1. Best of luck with the driving! Travel is one of my goals too for 2017 x
    Hope you have a wonderful year.


    1. Thank you so much lovely! Haha let's hope I get it done! xx

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