Monday, 30 May 2016

CiaraSwalsh turns 1! What blogging has taught me.

Can you believe it's been 1 whole year since I set up CiaraSwalsh? I can't. 
In this past year so much has changed for me, in ways I could never imagine. Since I was a child I loved fashion, I remember for my art project in Junior Cert I based it on fashion, I looked on Boohoo for inspiration (at the time I was obsessed with Boohoo) and I would make replicas of the models wearing these amazing dresses. I always loved changing up my style but I hated copying other peoples' styles. I always had to be different. I am still like that, if i see everybody with the same shoes I won't buy them. Being unique in my style is who I am. Minimal, elegant and classy is what I love. Some people say I love granny clothes hahaha (I'll take that as a compliment because I love wearing my granny's knitted cardigans!).

I'm feeling very proud today, CiaraSwalsh has grown so much, I remember when I was out at the back of my house taking pictures with my phone. Now I have my very own camera (Nikon Coolpix P530). 

Here is what the past year has thought me:

It's a LOT of work!

Don't be fooled by pretty Instagram pictures and Blog pictures, being a blogger is hard work. From trying to come up with content all the time, to be constantly engaging with followers, to taking pictures, finding a photographer, editing, outfit sorting/travel booking, money spending, making sure to post regularly on social media, to snapchatting, to admin work (up keep of the blog and answering emails) and then having a social life and study on top of that. This is my dream so this is work I love doing. If you want to start a blog for the "carefree lifestyle and free stuff" you should turn around and rethink your career path. I blog because I love it, I'm not in it for the "free stuff", it's not even free we are asked if we would like to try a product and if we like it we would advertise it for that company. We give publicity. I only accept products if I have genuine interest in working with that brand, I also decline brands too. I would never be misleading to my amazing followers *virtual hug*.

The Blogging Comunity is AMAZING!

This past year I have met amazing bloggers and also made friendships through Instagram and other social media platforms. Bloggers who are in the same boat as me are always there if I need some advice and vice versa. I believe in building others so I always aim to build other bloggers. I have never come across bloggers bashing one another, the support out there is great. Since being in Italy this past year I have missed out on a lot of blogger events and a lot of opportunities to meet fellow bloggers. But the power of social media is great for keeping in touch. 

The Ciara Walsh of last year is not the Ciara Walsh of today.

Well that's normal because as humans we always change, and since I have been living in another country for about a year I have become more Italian in some ways. But my ignorance of the world is no longer there, since CiaraSwalsh is also a travel blog I have understood that life isn't what the Irish society teaches us, every country has a different type of society and when you go abroad learn to accept their traditions. My mind has been opened and I am a lot more accepting of other peoples' views and opinions. I have friends from different parts of the world and I try to understand their social norms just like they try to understand mine, Last year I didn't know what I was going to do with my life, I was stuck in a rut, I was studying and trying to keep a long distance relationship work, and of course a lot of other life stresses. Now since setting up my blog my path looks a little more clear, I don't know where CiaraSwalsh will take me but I love the feeling I get when I work my ass off for you guys. Also the long distance isn't so long any more since I'm in Italy! I have also learned that people will support you and others won't, complete strangers could be the basis of your strength and motivation, whilst your closest friends might never support you. But I've learned to accept this and turn negativity into positivity. People who don't support me give me that motivation to better myself and CiaraSwalsh so I can prove them wrong.

My love for photography has grown.

When I was younger I would go around Galway and take pictures, I would put the craziest effects on them. I loved taking photos but I never realised I was bad hahaha. Since Davide gifted me my camera for my 21st birthday my photography has grown immensely. I always want to have perfect pictures for CiaraSwalsh. My editing skills have come a long way but I know I still have so much more to learn and I'm excited about that. I always use VSCO Cam to edit my photos and then I use some Instagram effects, hate the Instagram filters but the effects are amaaaaze!

Personality is Key.

When blogging you should always try to get your personality across. Without personality people can't connect with you. Snapchat is a great way to get your personality across. I've only been speaking on Snapchat for the last month and a half, I wish I had started sooner because the interaction I have with you guys makes my love for blogging more meaningful. 

Here's a recap of some of my favourite posts to date:


So what's next for CiaraSwalsh? I am going to continue the growth of my followers, I will always put 110% into my posts and I will have a lot more travel opportunities coming up. More events to attend, more connections to be made, more outfits to be styled. I am so grateful to see each and every view, and every follow. Without you guys none of this would be possible! Thank you!

Keep an eye out on my Instagram/Snapchat and Facebook in the coming days for a big competition to celebrate having the most amazing followers.


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